Neurodiversity-affirming Child Care Directory
Finding childcare providers can be an overwhelming task. The goal of this list is to help people find neurodiversity-affirming childcare providers.
Currently this directory is just for Durham/Raleigh/Chapel Hill, NC & New York City, NY.
To be listed on our childcare directory, preferred caregivers have:
Watched and read 6 free trainings related to neurodiversity
Passed a short quiz
Agreed to a respectful, inclusive approach via our nondiscrimination policy
Non-preferred providers have not taken any trainings, but self-identify as neurodiversity-affirming.
Providers on this list have not been vetted by all neurotypes. Inclusion on this list is not an endorsement or recommendation from All Neurotypes, nor is it a guarantee that any prospective caregiver will use neurodiversity-affirming approaches. Families must further vet providers themselves, including conducting any background checks.
North Carolina Child Care Directory
Click on any person to view their responses in detail. Click “View Larger Version” at the bottom to pop out the directory.
New York Child Care Directory
Click on any person to view their responses in detail.