Discovering a Neurodivergent Identity: Masking and Un-masking

Many autistic or neurodivergent individuals feel pressure to "mask" or hide their natural way of communicating. In many cases, this can lead to significant burnout, stress, and anxiety.

Learning to un-mask or re-discover your natural way of communication can greatly improve wellbeing for many people (in situations where it feels safe/possible to unmask); but sometimes after a lifetime of hiding autistic traits it can be difficult to figure out how to even begin unmasking! This video discusses a couple of different approaches.

Additional Readings:

Masking and Imposter Syndrome

Research exploring the mental and emotional cost of masking/camouflaging


Introduction to Autism, Monotropism, and the Double Empathy Problem


Identifying and Addressing Ableism: How Ableism Harms Everyone