These videos are some of our free resources that are available to all.
If you are interested in supporting our programs and advocacy efforts so we can continue to develop more free resources like this, support us below!
I was very grateful for the opportunity to interview ChrisTiana ObeySumner today! Some of their excellent writings and work with Epiphanies of Equity can be found at their company website: https://www.christianaobeysumner.com/overviewservices
Thank you to John for sharing insight on living with schizoaffective disorder and other mental illnesses. We discuss inpatient psychiatric stays, the criminal justice system, and how both to modify both to better treat people with mental illness.
Gerald shares some ‘can’t miss’ insights on life as an early-diagnosed autistic person, advocating for autism-inclusion in the workplace, and the isolation of masking.
Shubha shares their experience parenting an autistic child with higher support needs, navigating ableism in the school system and so much more!
TW: Abuse
This video discusses the abuse, neglect, and human experimentation at group homes or institutions for disabled individuals (in particular, Judge Rotenberg Center and Glenwood Resource Center)
These videos are some of our free resources that are available to all.
If you are interested in supporting our programs and advocacy efforts so we can continue to develop more free resources like this, support us below!