These videos are some of our free resources that are available to all.
If you are interested in supporting our programs and advocacy efforts so we can continue to develop more free resources like this, support us below!
Join Sam and Yadir as they discuss Yadir’s work as an autistic productivity coach.
“Know that you’re not alone….You’re worth it exactly as you are. You’re okay and loved exactly as you are.”
Kris’ video is a “must view” for all parents, health-care providers, and educators. Join Kris as shares insights for therapists, ways to support AAC (augmentative and alternative communication), and how to support Autistic individuals in developing self-kindness.
Explore how to support young neurodivergent children experiencing meltdowns or emotional dysregulation in neurodiversity affirming ways.
These videos are some of our free resources that are available to all.
If you are interested in supporting our programs and advocacy efforts so we can continue to develop more free resources like this, support us below!